Saturday's forecast is the trifecta of cloudy, breezy and rainy! We're cancelling the March launch and moving on to April.
Note that the next launch is on April 12 which is the second Saturday of the month instead of the third in order to avoid the Easter Weekend. If April 12 is not launch-able, we will not defer to the 19th, though the 26th may be considered.
Norm Nazaroff, TRA04812
Prefect, Michigan Team-1
You guessed it, too much wind. The forecast for the entire Saginaw area is for 18Mph wind gusting into the 30s. It is just too high to operate a 1 day launch. However, since we have lmited time left to get in another launch at Birch Run, I've decided to defer the launch again. While the ground is not exactly frozen, the wind will tend to keep the ground dry and maybe we will get a launch or two in before heavier spring rains and planting season. I know that the deferrals make it hard to plan weekends, but hang in there!
Norm Nazaroff, TRA04812
Prefect, Michigan Team-1
Looks like we can't get a break on the high winds. The Saturday forecast is for 20mph winds gusting to 45mph, so we're gonna' pass on that! Gear up for the 22nd and hope for better weather!
Norm Nazaroff, TRA04812
Prefect, Michigan Team-1